Building Better Teams

The Right Questions for Interviewing EMs

The Right Questions for Interviewing EMs

Why is it so challenging to make a great Management Hire?

If you search for advice on how to interview a manager, more than 90% of the articles suggest asking the managers to share stories about situations they had in the past or what their mindset is.

Some good information can come out of these questions, but it’s hard to tell if someone is just a good story-teller giving you a well manicured version of past events, or how they would handle something new an unexpected on the spot.

By all means, ask what theories they know and what they strive to be, but also put them through a real challenge! We ask engineers to write code in interviews, so why wouldn’t we ask managers to manage in interviews too?

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More ways to use the cards

Did you know there are other ways to improve your team using these situation cards? You can find more details on our overview page.

What do these cards help with?

We offer you a pre-packaged solution that improves the kind of information you can get out of an interview, and we provide a method to to score answers quickly, consistently, and intelligently. Our Situation Cards contain 30 curated real-world scenarios you and your team can use when evaluating a new management candidate.

How does it work? Simply draw a card in an interview and pose the situation to your candidate. You can then evaluate the answer against the grading tool we provide. Our grading tool evaluates a candidate against a number of soft skills and leadership skills which lets you narrow in on the strengths and weaknesses of your next hire, helping you make an informed decision.

We really want to help you and your team get the best information out of an interview. The damage of a single bad hire at the management level can cost you heavily, and continue to sting even after they are removed. Conversely, some candidates might be fantastic in practice but not look better than great storyteller who rehearsed all their answers. We help you avoid hiring people who are just actors, and also find those hidden gems.

Please, save your money.

As a quick simulation, imagine you delegated the task of coming up with 30 great management interview questions to someone on your team (or even yourself), plus creating all the grading tooling around this topic. Below is a chart to give you an idea of how much direct cost would go into that. The most cost-effective choice is asking someone with lower experience to do a rushed job. Nevermind the lost opportunity cost of taking them off of normal work, or the additional overhead just to communicate the task, and cycles spent reviewing the work.

We offer a set of cards and a grading tool that comes from deep experience at a much lower cost than doing it in-house could bring.

Want even more?

We’ve launched a new free online course to help evaluate the skills of managers who answer these cards.

New episodes are published weekly.


Consumer safety: Attention: Product is not a Toy. For educational purposes only. Not intended for and not suitable for children under 16.

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