Building Better Teams


Classes & Workshops


Strategic Management Skills

This workshop elevates Engineering Managers and Directors to a higher level of strategic thinking and doing.

✅ Tackle some of the biggest problems you have in a structured and reproducible way.
✅ Avoid traps that usually make managers underperform and produce bad results.
✅ Understand where your own strengths and weaknesses are, so you know where to focus on self-development next.


Diagram Your Architecture

Clarify complicated systems, by having insightful and consistent architecture diagrams across your whole team.

You’ll walk away with a consistent way for everyone on your team to create diagrams, which are also diagrams of your own actual system, plus you’ll keep the knowledge of how to coordinate big changes by spotting issues on the architecture diagram!


Leftwards Planning and beyond

In this workshop you will not only practice using the Leftwards Planning methodology, but also how to scope a problem correctly with true partnership before your team even starts planning.

You’ll walk away with a consistent way to plan and evaluate projects before starting, find ways to deliver in parallel without chaos, break down vague tasks into clear and small ones, and get ahead of unknowns. Plus you’ll learn how to provide feedback and interact with product requirements to make the delivery smaller steps instead of one massive never-ending project!


Discovering Agile Blockers

Remove the confusion around what becoming a truly agile team looks like. Identify exactly what is holding your team back from being agile. Get set up to guide yourselves towards a better future state.


Team Topologies

Enable Fast-flow, by organizing teams and their interactions.

When any organization grows things often tend to just… slow down. In this workshop we figure out what your leadership team needs to do to set up team structures to regain that speed using Team Typologies.

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Custom Workshops

We can also work together depending on your specific needs to craft a workshop specific to your problems. Start the conversation with a simple email email and we’ll sort out the details as we go: